Construction Breakfast Briefing
Wirral Met College Principal Gill Banks is delighted to welcome David Hughes, Director of Regeneration and Place at Wirral Council, Gemma Hill from CITB and Karl Ventre, Managing Director at the Starship Group, to talk to local construction employers.
David Hughes, Director of Regeneration and Place at Wirral Council, will provide an update on the planned developments across Wirral and potential tendering opportunities.
Gemma Hill, Employer Support Advisor at CITB, will provide an overview of the range of services and financial incentives available to employers across the Construction sector, to support recruitment of apprentices and new employees including the new ‘Into Work’ grants.
Karl Ventre, Managing Director of Starship Group, will explain how his company has worked with the College to provide industry placements for students, to recruit apprentices and to assist with designing and delivering a new curriculum pathway to Modern Methods of Construction.
Paul Crawford, Curriculum Manager, and Matt Ryan, Business Development Manager, will provide a brief update on the latest T Levels and the opportunities to provide risk-free industry placements, with the potential to support recruitment of new apprentices and employees, and and opportunities to join Wirral Met's Employer Advisory Group to help inform skills required by industry.
- 7:40am - Arrival and Breakfast
- 8:00am - Welcome by Gill Banks, Principal and CEO of Wirral Met College
- 8:05am - Update on local developments/tendering opportunities for projects - David Hughes, Director of Regeneration and Place, Wirral Council
- 8:20am - CITB services and financial support for employers - Gemma Hill, Employer Support Advisor, CITB
- 8:35am - Starship Group overview of partnership work with the college - Karl Ventre, Managing Director, Starship
- 8:50am - T Level opportunities and Employer Advisory Group, Paul Crawford, Construction Development Manager, and Matt Ryan, Business Development Manager (Wirral Met College)
- 9:00am - Thanks from the Principal
- 9:05am - Q&A with the Presenters and Networking
- 10:00am - Close