Please note the college will be closed from 5pm 20 December - 6 January. Key Information for the Christmas Break

Higher Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships are for people of any age. Our higher apprenticeships offer an excellent alternative to university, by offering practical industry training combined with teaching from our specialist tutors.

A higher education apprenticeship is a partnership between the apprentice, their employer and Wirral Met College. 

What are the benefits?

  • Gain a head start in your chosen career
  • Earn whilst you learn at college
  • Gain industry relevant qualifications
  • No tuition fees to pay or university debts

At Wirral Met, we offer higher apprenticeships at levels 4 to 5:

Associate Project Manager 4 January 24 months
Operations/Department Manager 5 Quarterly-rolling 30 months
Healthcare Science Associate 4 May 24 months
Technician Scientist 5 January & September 36 months
HR Consultant Partner 5 September & January 18 months
Professional Accounting / Taxation Technician 4 January & September 18 months
Sports Coach 4 Rolling 18 months
Engineering Manufacturing Technician 4 January & September 42 months 

To apply, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view 0151 551 7610 or complete our  ENQUIRY FORM

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