You are enrolling for: Essential Digital Skills

Need help completing this online enrolment form? Use our Live Chat facility or complete an online enquiry form

You can scan or take a photo of required documentation to upload

Personal Information

Basic information about yourself

Please note, you will need your NI number to be able to complete your enrolment. If you do not have your NI number, please call 0151 551 7777 once you find or receive it. Find out more about NI numbers.

Contact details

Address and phone numbers

I would like to be contacted about other courses or learning opportunities, or with College updates.

Emergency Contact Details

Contact 1

Contact 2

Student Photo

Guidelines for Photos

Your photo must be a colour head shot only

It must be:

  • in JPG format
  • clear and in focus
  • unaltered by computer software
  • no larger than 240 pixels wide and 320 pixels tall
  • at least 50KB and no more than 1MB
  • taken against a plain light-coloured background
  • not have ‘red eye’

You must:

  • be facing forwards and looking straight at the camera
  • not have a head or face covering (unless it’s for religious or medical reasons)

Course details

Details of the course you wish to apply for

Essential Digital Skills / Level 1 / C135


This course is free


Recent employment, work experience, voluntary or community work particularly if it is a requirement for the course. Please confirm your current job title and duties, with details of your previous jobs

Submit Enrolment

Terms and conditions

Privacy notice

Data Protection Statement: All personal data will be held in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation. I understand that the information provided on this form may be processed for purposes connected with the College as an educational institution. Wirral Met College may allow access to our software supplier for the purpose of fault finding and development. The College has written assurance from the supplier that they will only use the data for this purpose, will protect it and will remove such data from their systems once they have completed their work.

The College Privacy statement is available at and will be sent to you via your College email account.

Further information about use of and access to your personal data, details of organisations with whom we share data, information about how long we retain your data, and how to change your consent to being contacted, please visit

Limitation of Liability

The College reserves the right to withdraw or amend a course wherever its viability cannot be assured. In such circumstances, every effort will be made to accommodate the applicant on an alternative course. However, the College cannot guarantee that a course, which is acceptable to the applicant, will be available at the College. In such circumstances a refund will be made.

In receiving a place on this course, you acknowledge that the College is only liable for any damages up to a maximum of the repayment of any fee paid by yourself to the College in respect of the course. There is no liability to you for any government funding received nor any consequential damages whatsoever including, but not exclusively, for example loss of profits, time spent, career earnings nor repayments to other bodies for any support or other payments made. The College only accepts commitments made in writing, no verbal agreement in regard to any aspect of the College’s provision will be accepted as binding. Failure to follow College policies and procedures and unsatisfactory attendance may lead to termination of this contract and removal from the course.

Student Contract Declaration

I agree to abide by the College Charter (included in the Student Information Directory), which outlines the College’s expectations of students. I agree to display my College ID badge in plain sight upon my person whilst on College premises. I agree to inform the College of any change in my circumstances affecting my enrolment. I agree to inform the College of any change of address and will advise the College if I enrol at another Further Education college.

I confirm that I am aware of the College fees and charging policy. I accept liability for all fees associated with my course, as detailed on my confirmation of enrolment. I accept liability for any invoice raised for loss or damage to College property. I understand that if I have declared false information on this form that the College may take action against me to reclaim any associated costs.


How do you wish to pay?

Please select an option

How do you wish to pay?

Please select an option

You will be sent an invoice with a Direct Debit form via our Finance Team

Why we need your National Insurance (NI) Number

The Education and Skills Funding Agency uses National Insurance numbers to assess the economic impact of study on each student and they ask colleges and training providers to report this information as part of their funding requirements.

If you live in the UK , and your parents or guardians have had a child benefits for you, you will have received either a card or letter with details of your NI number when you turned 16.

You National Insurance number will also appear on your payslip, P60 and letters about your tax, pension or benefits.

You can apply for a National Insurance number if you do not have one, or find your National Insurance number if you’ve lost it at

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