This week we are celebrating the successes of our apprentices and the positive impact that apprenticeships bring to employers.
Are you interested in becoming an apprentice?
If you're already in a job and want an apprenticeship to help you get promoted:
- Choose the apprenticeship which best suits your career aspirations
- Speak to your manager and ask them to get in touch with Wirral Met
- Contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0151 551 7610
If you're looking for a new apprenticeship vacancy - visit our Apprenticeships page
What do apprentices think of their training?
Check out our latest apprenticeship case studies.

Amanda Corrin
Business Administration Apprentice Amanda began her apprenticeship at Cheshire & Wirral Partnership NHS Foundation Trust at the age of 40.
"I am gaining new knowledge and skills and building on these daily. I am well supported by the college and have access to valuable resources. I would highly recommend the apprenticeships on offer at Wirral Met College.”

Jordan Taylor
Gas Engineering Operative Apprentice, Jordan, started his apprenticeship with Opulent Plumbing & Heating earlier this year.
“I have learnt so much since I started my apprenticeship and the additional training at college has been brilliant. I’m expanding my knowledge and gaining practical skills and I’m excited to see what the future holds.”

Anastasia Kelsey
Level 3 CIPD Apprentice Anastasia is completing her apprenticeship training within the Human Recourses department at Wirral Met.
“So far my experience on my apprenticeship has been very enriching. I love attending college every week and putting into practice the things I have learnt in class at work. The support of both my team at work and my tutor have been exceptional in giving me the skills to be able to prioritise and succeed in both work and college.”

Josh & Thomas
Josh and Thomas secured apprenticeships at Cara Brickwork through Wirral Met.
"We enjoy daily life on site, being paid to learn, and working alongside more experienced members of the team to develop our skills."
Are you an employer with one or more apprentices, or looking for an apprentice?
Find out more about the benefits of taking on apprentice
Top tips for supporting your apprentice
Supporting Neurodivergent employees
For more information on Safeguarding your apprentices, click here.