
Students and staff from all areas of the college have been visiting Birkenhead Community Fire Station to take part in their ‘Suddenly From Nowhere’ presentation which gives a graphic view of the dangers which young drivers, their passengers, motorcyclists and pedestrians face on our roads today.

Students watched a filmed reconstruction of a road traffic collision between a car and motorcycle and considered its impact on the lives of all those concerned, from the death of the motorcyclist to the life changing injuries of passengers and the distress and grief of parents and family members.

Level 3 students from Health and Social Care and Motorcycle Maintenance taking a tour of the crash vehicle.

Students were then given a tour of the Station and shown some of the equipment used by the emergency services to rescue people from the crash scene.  Also available to view was an actual vehicle recovered from a fatal crash which really served to reinforce the message about the dangers of being distracted by mobile phones, music, drink, drugs etc.

So far approximately 250 students have benefitted from visiting the Fire Station and watching the presentation and the scheme is set to continue for as long as the college wishes.

If you would like to know more about Suddenly From Nowhere please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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