Please note the college will be closed from 5pm 20 December - 6 January. Key Information for the Christmas Break


We are proud to be the first new building in Wirral Waters and the FE College partner for the largest regeneration project in Europe, led by Peel Group. 

Our RIBA award-winning Wirral Met College Construction Campus, completed in 2015, has been built to create the workforce of the future. The Campus is dedicated to delivering training and education for Construction and the Built Environment and provides a Skills and Enterprise Centre for local employers.

Wirral Waters is transforming 300 acres of Brownfield waterfront land in to a vibrant, sustainable mixed use community and creating a new place to live, to work, to learn, to visit and to invest. While development will continue for over 30 years through collaborative working, the next few years will see several sites being developed. 

Watch the video below for an overview of the key projects of the overall Wirral Waters scheme. 


1 Workshops for construction students
2 Wirral Waters outside front view
3 Wirral Waters inside stairway
4 WirralWaters complete in 2015 Peel Group
5 Wirral Waters Campus in Birkenhead Wirral

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